We wish you a good trip and are looking forward to your visit!

By car
You can reach us from the north ans north-west of Europe via the motorway Ulm - Kempten - Oy - exit Oberjoch - Tannheimer Tal.
We can be reached from our neighboring country Switzerland via Lindau - Sonthofen or Arlberg.
You can get to us from our southern neighbor Italy via the motorway Innsbruck - Mötz - Fernpass - Reutte - Weißenbach - Tannheimer Tal.
By train
nearby trainstaions in Germany:
- Sonthofen (24 km, bus connection)
Pfronten/Ried (16 km)
in Austria:
- Reutte (24 km, bus connection)
By plane
- Innsbruck/A - INN 116 km 1 h 37 min
- Memmingen/D - FMM 86 km 0 h 57 min
- Stuttgart/D - STR 209 km 2 h 01 min
- München/D - MUC 196 km 2 h 05 min
- Friedrichshafen/D - FDH 109 km 1 h 38 min
- Zürich/CH - ZRH 225 km 2 h 49 min
The information above comes from the Google maps route planer.